Week 10: Web 2.0 based lesson plan: Listening - Autism.
1 hour.
Learning objectives
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1) Answer correctly at least eight true or false questions about Autism in the Padlet based on the video that they watch.
2) Participate in a poll and provide their responses to the 5 open-ended questions from Kahoot.
3) Produce 5 minutes worth of audio recording by interviewing their partner of what they feel after gaining new information about Autism, and post their product on the teacher's Padlet. |
Technical requirements
A set of computer, LCD projector, a set of speaker and also a portable Wi-Fi for internet connection.
1) Set Induction.
- The teacher asks the students of what they know about autism.
- Then, the teacher asks the students to pay close attention to a video about autism.
- The teacher asks the students what they feel after watching the video.
- The teacher then introduces today’s topic to the students that is ‘Autism’.
2) Activity 1.
- The teacher then asks the students to visit the teacher’s Padlet to look at the materials prepared by the teacher for the lesson which contains an infographic about autism as well as some questions.
- The teacher explains the task for Activity 1: The students are required to watch a short video about autism and answers questions in the Padlet related to the video.
- The teacher then discusses the answers with the class.
3) Activity 2.
- The teacher then asks the students to Click on the Kahoot link for Activity 2: The students are required to participate in the Kahoot online poll and respond to the questions asked. The teacher provides appropriate feedback to the students immediately after they responded to each question during the discussion for further clarification.
4) Activity 3 - Students are required to work in pairs for Activity 3: They need to produce 5 minutes worth of audio recording by interviewing their partner of what they feel after gaining new information about Autism, and post their product on the teacher's Padlet. Then, the teacher will choose and play the students' audio file randomly.
5) Plenary.
- The teacher recaps today's lesson of what they have learnt and done in during the lesson.
6) Follow up
- The teacher asked the students to create a poster on spreading an awareness on autism using Piktochart and asks the students to upload their product to their social media and send the link to the teacher's Padlet. Students with the most creative poster will be rewarded in the next lesson.
Language focus
Integrated skills: The main focus is Listening Skill - Listening for specific information.
The materials for this lesson can be found in the link below.
The Padlet requires a password. The language focus can also include reading, writing and speaking. A good choice of theme.